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"My dinner table conversations have changed to money, investing, spending and saving, all because I now have the confidence to talk about it."
“The content is so digestible and it's been so helpful for me getting into investing outside my 401(k). It's also given me a path for investment that could mean I have flexibility to retire early!"
“I think every woman can benefit from [Ellevest] services and expertise.”
“[Ellevest] brings voice and inspiration into spaces and groups that would not otherwise have the courage or capital to participate.”
How we help women live their best lives

Because women have different financial needs than men.
Because you deserve a financial partner who really gets you.
Because women want to align their values with their financial decisions.
Because women have different financial needs than men.
Because you deserve a financial partner who really gets you.
Because women want to align their values with their financial decisions.