
All the Workshops, Courses, and More Available with Ellevest

By Ellevest Team

At Ellevest, our mission is to get more money in the hands of women. That’s why we offer services, like investing to give you the opportunity to build wealth and affordable access to financial planning. It’s also why we have so many ways for you to learn more. Ellevest helps you tackle your money goals, personalize your plan to your own life, and take control of your money.

Ellevest workshops, courses, worksheets, videos, and other resources are free and open to all Ellevest clients. Clients also get up to 50% off coaching sessions and specialty workshops.

Sign up or get access using the links below.

Jump to a section:

On-demand email courses (money)
On-demand email courses (career)
Live online workshops
Downloadable tools and worksheets

An illustration of a woman going up a staircase to a doorway full of ways she can learn, including graphs, text bubbles, and her Ellevest app. The doorway is full of sparkles.

On-demand email courses

Email courses let you learn at your own pace. Each day, you’ll learn the info you need and why it’s important, and get some simple real-life exercises to help you level up.

Money courses

4-Week Money Reset

You’ve probably got some pretty big money goals. (Maybe some small ones, too.) The best way to start making progress toward them — and to ease money-related stress — is to get a crystal-clear picture of your financial situation and goals.

Enter: this four-week email course to kick off the new year, complete with worksheets and tools to use as you go. It’s designed to help you take a step back, make a plan, and start (or restart) working toward your goals with confidence.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to take an inventory of what you’re spending on today

  • A few financial must-do’s, and how to prioritize them

  • How to bring it all together into a spending plan you can use going forward

Ellevest clients: Sign up for free

7 Days of Intentional Spending

Way too often, women get patronizing advice to skip the latte or go on a financial diet — which gives us needless guilt and sets us up to crash.

Intentional spending is a new way to look at how we spend money that’s not judgemental — instead, it’s about techniques to actually feel good about your decisions and learn how to spend smarter. This email course is designed to help you do that in real life, with templates to help you track your current spending and build a spending plan.

What you’ll learn:

  • Ways to become mindful about your spending (it’s self-care, y’all)

  • How to use the 50/30/20 framework to understand your spending patterns

  • How to set spending goals that make sense with your values

Ellevest clients: Sign up for free

7 Days to a Real Retirement Plan

Investing for retirement is one of the best money moves you can make for Future You, but getting started can feel like … a lot.

How much will you need? How much should you invest? And what are all these different account types? This email course is designed to help answer these questions as you dream, plan, and start investing for your ideal retirement — whatever that looks like for you — with info and journaling worksheets to help you visualize and start to plan.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to estimate how much that dream might cost

  • The 411 on 401(k)s, IRAs, and other ways to fund your retirement

  • How Ellevest helps you plan out how much to invest

Ellevest clients: Sign up for free

Get Started Investing in 5 Days

At Ellevest, a lot of people tell us that they want to start investing, but they feel intimidated or overwhelmed. They feel like they should know everything — or, at least, a lot more — before they dive in. But it’s not true. You can learn about investing as you go, and you can start ... right now.

What you’ll learn:

  • Some high-level investing basics

  • How much to invest, and how to fit it into your budget

  • How Ellevest works and how to set up your Ellevest investing account

  • Some tips for managing your account going forward

Ellevest clients: Sign up for free

Career courses

4 Weeks to an Intentional Career Plan

What would the strongest, boldest, most courageous version of yourself do in your career, if you gave yourself the chance? What’s holding you back? And how do you get from here to there?

Kick-start your new year with this email course, complete with a downloadable workbook to use as you go. It’s built to guide you through 4 weeks of reflection, exploration, and planning so you can design a career you’ll love.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to discover what a purposeful career could look like for you

  • How to match your values and skills to new opportunities

  • How to build a plan to start making that meaningful career a reality

Ellevest clients: Sign up for free

7-Day Networking Boost (Even for Introverts)

Sallie Krawcheck calls networking the “#1 unwritten rule for career success.” On the other hand, ugh. Networking can feel intrusive or even pointless. Don’t we all have enough work to do already?

In this email course, you’ll get easy techniques to just do the damn thing in just a few minutes a day for a week … and you’ll understand why you’re doing them. You’ll even get some script templates you can adapt for your own networking conversations. It can help your career forever, and it might even be (gasp) fun.

What you’ll learn:

  • The scoop on how networking really works and how it’s different for women

  • How to actually network — even if you’re not a people person

  • Approaches and techniques that can work in real life

Ellevest clients: Sign up for free

Live online workshops and events

Our Ellevest financial planners bring their knowledge, inspiration, and empathy to every online workshop they lead. (Check out the schedule of upcoming workshops and special events.)

Budget How-To

A budget is the #1 tool you’ll use for everything else you want to do with your money — paying off debt, saving for emergencies, building that dream retirement. But finding a system that works for your real life? Easier said than done. Enter: this live, 45-minute online workshop.

What you’ll learn:

  • An explainer on what budgets are (and aren’t)

  • A framework for making spending decisions that align with your core values

  • Two different budgeting systems that we love to recommend

Ellevest clients: Sign up for free
Non-clients: Book a spot

How to Pay Off Debt

From credit cards to student loans to mortgages, having debt is really common. But paying it off is one of the most exciting wins we see here at Ellevest. This live, 45-minute virtual workshop is designed to help you make a plan and hit that goal.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to decide which debts you should focus on paying off first (and why)

  • Two different approaches to making a payoff plan that works for you

  • Tips for lowering your interest rates

  • Ways to budget for debt payments

Ellevest clients: Sign up for free
Non-clients: Book a spot

Investing, Part 1: How It All Works

You don’t need to become an expert on stocks before you can start investing — when you start an investing account with Ellevest, we’ve got you covered. But if you’re curious to learn more, this live, 60-minute online workshop is for you. You’ll get an understanding of how different types of investments work, dig into the most important investing concepts, and get some insight into how we pick investments at Ellevest.

What you’ll learn:

  • An overview of the main types of investments and how they work

  • Some common investing terms

  • A rundown of investing concepts like diversification and compounding

  • How to know when to invest and when to save

Ellevest clients: Sign up for free
Non-clients: Book a spot

Investing, Part 2: You & Your Portfolio

You know how investing works — now you want to dive in and do it with confidence. This live, 60-minute online workshop builds on the introductory concepts covered in Investing, Part 1: How It All Works. You’ll learn things like how taxes work with investing, all about impact investing, what goes into building a portfolio — and how to make it yours.

What you’ll learn:

  • Info on balancing risk and return, and knowing when to invest

  • How taxes work when you’re investing

  • How to align your portfolio with your values with impact investing

  • Need-to-know basics on crypto and NFTs

Ellevest clients: Sign up for free
Non-clients: Book a spot

Retirement Planning Session

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to retirement planning. But how do you know if you’re doing it right? How much will you need in the future? How much should you invest today? We’ll help you understand how to answer those questions so you can build toward the retirement you want. Because here’s the thing: Women retire with two-thirds as much money but live longer lives, on average, than men. So let’s get started.

What you’ll learn:

  • What account types you should consider and which ones might be best to start investing in

  • How to decide how much (and where) to save to meet your retirement goals

  • How to budget for your retirement contributions

Ellevest clients: Sign up for free
Non-clients: Book a spot

Downloadable tools and worksheets

Ellevest Team

Ellevest helps women build and manage their wealth through goal-based investing, financial planning, and wealth management. Our mission is to get more money in the hands of women.