
Hundreds of Businesses Led by Black Women

By Ellevest Team

Black women have been starting businesses faster than anyone else — much faster, actually. Between 2014 and 2019, companies owned by women overall grew by 21%, according to American Express’s State of Women-Owned Business report. But companies owned by Black women grew by 50%. Put another way, these represent 42% of new women-owned businesses over those five years. Nearly half! That’s three times population share, and it’s damn impressive.

A collage of squares featuring images from women-owned businesses Elle West, Empress Collections, Golde, and Au Naturale Cosmetics.

Image credit: Women-owned businesses Elle West, Empress Collections, Golde, and Au Naturale Cosmetics.

But systemic racism and a culture of white supremacy stand in their way. The revenue gap between businesses owned by Black women and the “average” woman-owned business is wider than any other. And a full 99% of Black women describe themselves as “sidepreneurs,” with their business as part-time rather than full time. (Even though many would prefer to leave the workplace — where Black women are routinely and disproportionately paid less, blocked for promotions, and harassed — behind.)

That’s because money breeds money. You can’t start a business without capital. More than 66% of entrepreneurs fund their companies with their own savings. But launching a full-time business is harder when the gender wealth gap for Black women — the average amount of money they own, compared to a white man’s dollar — is one penny.

Another 11% of entrepreneurs turn to family and friends to help them launch — also a much more challenging option when the typical white family owns ten times the wealth of the typical Black family. Turning to outside funding is full of roadblocks, too: Black-owned businesses are disproportionately denied credit — which of course got even worse during the pandemic, driving many out of business entirely — and start-ups led by Black women still received less than 1% of venture capital funding in 2022. While VC dropped by 36% overall between 2021 and 2022, it dropped by 45% for Black entrepreneurs — to just 1% of the total invested.. 

By now, it should be obvious, but we have so much to gain from the success of Black women entrepreneurs. If we dismantled our racist systems, and Black women were able to hire and earn at parity, it would add 2,421,276 jobs to the economy, and an extra $522,189,029 of revenue, according to that State of Women-Owned Business report.

All of which to say: Black women entrepreneurs deserve your business. All 2 million+ of them. So we asked our community to share your favorite companies led by Black women. Here they are.

Jump to an industry:

On this page:

Authors, Poets, and Playwrights
Beauty Companies
Bath & Body
Food Companies & Restaurants

Listed in part 2:

Health and Wellness Companies
Non-profit Organizations
Visual Artists

Authors, Poets, and Playwrights

Aja Monet, IG: @ajamonet
Alexandra Elle, IG: @alex_elle
Amanda Seales, IG: @amandaseales
Angela Flournoy, IG: @angelaflournoy
Angelica Lindsay-Ali, IG: @villageauntie
Angie Thomas, IG: @angiethomas
Anne Moody
Attica Locke, IG: @atticalocke
Audre Lorde
Bell Hooks, IG: @bellhooks_
Brit Bennett, IG: @britrbennett
Brandy Colbert, IG: @brandycolbert
Brittney Morris, IG: @brittneymmorris
Catherine Adel West, IG: @cawest329
Claudia Rankine
Cleo Wade, IG: @cleowade
Chimamanda Adichie, IG: @chimamanda_adichie
Dana L. Davis
Edwidge Danticat
Elaine Welteroth, IG:@elaine_welterother
Elizabeth Acevedo
Gwendolyn Brooks
Ibi Zoboi, IG: @ibizoboi
Ijeoma Oluo, IG: @ijeomaoluo
Jackie Sibblies Drury, Twitter: @jackiesdury
Jacqueline Woodson, IG: @jacqueline_woodson
Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow, IG: @authorjamilah
Jasmine Guillory, IG: @jasminepics
Junauda Petrus-Nasah, IG: @junauda
Kaitlyn Greenidge
Katori Hall, IG: @katorihall
Kiley Reid, IG: @kileyreid
Kim Cash Tate, IG:@kimcashtate
Lesley Nneka Arimah, IG: @instagrimah
Lucille Clifton
Lydia R. Diamond
Maisy Card, IG: @librarylovefest
Maya Angelou
Margo Jefferson
Morgan Harper Nichols, IG: @morganharpernichols
Morgan Parker
Naomi Jackson, IG: @thenaomijackson
Nicole Sealey, IG: @nicolesealey
Nikki Giovanni
N.K. Jemisin, Twitter: @nkjemisin
Nnedi Okorafor
Octavia Butler
Phoebe Robinson, IG: @dopequeenpheebs
Rachel Cargle, IG: @rachel.cargle
Rev. Dr. Renita J. Weems
Roxane Gay, IG:@roxanegay74
Samantha Irby, IG: @bitchesgottaeat
Samantha King Holmes, IG: @samantha.king.holmes
Sonia Sanchez, Twitter: @soniasanchez
Stella Williams, IG: @stellalove4lyfe
Toni Morrison
Tracey K. Smith
Vashti Harrison, IG: @vashtiharrison
Warsan Shire, Twitter: @warson_shire
Wendy Walters
Yaa Gyasi
Yrsa Daley-Ward, IG:
Zadie Smith
Zerlina Maxwell, IG: @zerlinamaxwell
Zora Neale Hurston

Beauty Companies

Bath & Body

3B Waxing, IG: @3bwaxing
Annabelle’s Perfect Blend, IG: @annabelles_perfectblend
Aroma Whip, IG: @aromawhips
Bathe Brand, IG:@bathebrand
Belle51, IG: @belle51co
Body Love, IG: @trybodylove
Coddle, IG: @coddledotco
Deames Bettah Buttahs, IG: @deamesbettahbuttahs
Ebi Kit, IG: @ebi.kit
Elizabeth Peyton Creations, IG: @ElizabethPeytonCreations
Hunny Bunny Boutique, IG: @love_hunnybunny
Karité, IG:@mykarite
LYL Body Care, IG: @lylbodycare
Lilly Pearl Beauty Co., IG: @lillypearlbeautyco
Moore Suds, IG: @wantmooresuds
Pawse Bodycare, IG: @pawsebodycare
Re.Vityl, IG: @re.vityl
Sister Scientist, IG: @sisterscientist
Soap Distillery, IG: @soapdistillery
The Honey Pot Co, IG: @thehoneypotco


Arin Edohr, IG: @arinedohr
Aunt Jackie’s, IG: @auntjackiescurlsandcoils
Charlotte Mensah, IG: @charlottemensah
Cheniqua’s Beauty Shoppe, IG: @cheniquasbeautyshoppe
Covet & Mane, IG: @covetandmane
CurlBox, IG: @curlbox
E’tae, IG: @etaehair
Ecoslay, IG: @ecoslay
Eden Bodyworks, IG: @edenbodyworks
Hairizon, IG: @hairizon
Keira Ashley, IG: @keiraashleyhair
Kreyòl Essence, IG: @kreyolessence
Lineage Studio, IG: @lineagestudionyc
Lotti Belle Beauty, IG: @lottibellebeauty
Melanin Haircare, IG: @melaninhaircare
Mielle Organics, IG: @mielleorganics
Pattern Beauty, IG: @patternbeauty
Rucker Roots, IG: @ruckerroots
The Upgrade Boutique, IG: @theupgradeboutique
Uhai Hair, IG: @uhaihair
Up North Naturals, IG: @upnorthnaturals


241 Cosmetics, IG: @241cosmetics
Au Naturale Cosmetics, IG: @aunaturalelife
Baba Love Organics, IG: @babaloveorganics
Beauty Bakerie, IG: @beautybakeriemakeup
Beauty Marked & Co., IG: @beautymarkedandco
Bossy Cosmetics, IG: @bossylipstick
Coloured Raine, IG: @colouredraine
Danessa Myricks Beauty, IG: @danessa_myricks
Dehiya, IG: @dehiyabeauty
Doll Face Artistry, IG: @dollfaceartistry1
Fenty Beauty, IG: @fentybeauty
Joséphine Cosmetics, IG: @josephinecosmetics
Lauren Napier Beauty, IG: @laurennapierbeauty
Marie Hunter Beauty, IG: @mariehunterbeauty
Mary Louise Cosmetics, IG: @marylouisecosmetics
Mented Cosmetics , IG: @mentedcosmetics
Pat McGrath, IG: @patmcgrathreal
Pretti Lyps, IG: @pretti_lyps_
The Lip Bar, IG: @thelipbar


Nash and Pino, IG: @nashandpino
Breukelen Polished, IG: @BreukelenPolished
Janet and Jo, IG: @janetandjo
Kaeess Nail Polish, IG: @kaeessnailpolish
Mischo Beauty, IG: @mischobeauty


Aba Love Apothecary, IG: @abaloveapothecary
Angie Watts, IG: @angiewattsoninsta
Anita Grant, IG: @AnitaGrant
Anne’s Apothecary, IG: @AnnesApothecary
Base Butter, IG: @basebutter
BFree Organics, IG: @bfreeorganics
Beneath Your Mask, IG: @beneathyourmask
Black Girl Sunscreen, IG: @blackgirlsunscreen
Bolden, IG: @boldenusa
Cocolene, IG: @cocoleneusa
Everly Organics, IG: @EverlyOrganics
Epara, IG: @eparaskincare
Golde, IG: @golde
Hanahana Beauty, IG: @hanahana_beauty
Humility LLC, IG: @Humility_LLC
Hyper Skin, IG: @gethhyperskin
Klay Botanics, IG: @klaybotanics
Klur Co., IG:
Kubra Kay Skincare, IG: @kubrakayskincare
Marla René Luxe Skincare, IG: @marlareneskincare
Nolaskinsentials, IG: @nolaskinsentials
R41 Skin, IG: @r41skin
Redoux NYC, IG: @redouxnyc
Rosen Skincare, IG: @rosenskincare
SheRoZe Natural Skin Care, IG: @sherozenaturalskin
The Balm Shop & Co., IG: @thebalmshopco
Unsun Cosmetics, IG: @unsuncosmetics
Videau Natural Health, IG: @videaunaturalhealth


Always Appropriate Etiquette (etiquette and image consulting), IG: @tamiclaytor
Cai Candle Company (candles), IG: @caicandleco
Elle West (candles, and hey, love the name), IG:
Empress Collections (jewelry), IG: @empresscollections
Exau Olive Oil (food), IG: @exauoliveoil
Firm For The Culture (legal services for entrepreneurs), IG: @firmfortheculture
Gavin Luxe (fragrance), @gavinluxe
Haus of Hoodoo (candles and ritual products), IG: @hausofhoodoo
Kas and Klo Style (fashion), IG: @kasandklostyle
Lucky & Lovely Shop (gifts), IG: @luckyandlovelyshop
Movita Organics (supplements), IG: @movitaorganics
Naked Beauty Planet (podcast), IG: @nakedbeautyplanet
Neon Cowboys (gifts), IG: @neoncowboys
Shapprell Dallas, Top Bodies Fitness (fitness), IG: @shapprelldallas
Yayday Paper (stationery), IG: @yaydaypaper

Food Companies & Restaurants

Ain’t She Sweet Cafe, IG: @aintshesweetcafe
Azla Ethiopian Eatery, IG: @azlavegan
Baum Ass Foods, IG: @baumassfoods
Black Girl Magic Wines, IG: @blackgirlmagicwines
Blondery, IG: @blondery
Brown Sugar Kitchen, IG: @brownsugarkitchen
Cafe Du Pain Bakery, IG: @cafedupainbakery
Cake Bar, IG: @cakebartrinitygroves
CamiCakes, IG: @camicakescupcakes
Carter’s Kitchen, IG: @carterscitchen
Casa Brasil, IG: @casabrasilpgh
Chay J’s New Orleans Candies, IG: @chayjs
Cheff’n and Eetinn, IG: @cheff.n.eetinn
Cheryl’s Global Soul, IG: @cherylsglobalsoul
Crust by Mack, IG: @crustbymack
Compere Lapin, IG: @comperelapin
DaJen Eats, IG: @dajeneats
Dell’z Deli, IG: @eatdellz
Essie Spice, IG: @essiespice
Feed the Malik, IG: @feedthemalik
Foode, IG: @foodefxbg
Get it Inn Island Cuisine, IG: @getitinnislandcuisine
Good Cakes and Bakes, IG: @goodcakes_andbakes
Hank’s Mini Market, IG: @hanksminimarket
Hilltop Coffee and Kitchen, IG: @findyourhilltop
Ile Brews, IG: @ilebrews
Justice of the Pies, IG: @justiceofthepies
Kelewele, IG: @kelewelenyc
Koki, IG: @kokiexperience
Konjo Ethiopian Food, IG: @kojoethiopianfood
Last Dragon Pizza, IG: @lastdragonpizza
Leah and Louise, IG: @leah_and_loise
Le French Bakery
Likkle Dumpling House and Library, IG: @likkleshop
Mamaleelou Cold Brew Coffee copy, IG: @mamaleelu
Maya’s Cookies, IG: @mayascookiessandiego
Michelle’s Naturally, IG: @michellesnaturally
Mingles Tea Bar, IG: @minglesteabar
Oh-Mazing Food, IG: @ohmazingfood
Oko Farms, IG: @okofarms
Osha’s Kitchen, IG: @oshas_kitchen
Oyegini, IG: @oyegini
Papa Ted’s, IG: @papatedstruck
Partake Foods, IG: @partakefoods
Plum Bistro, IG: @plum.bistro
Post and Beam, IG: @postandbeamla
Puddin’, IG: @dcpuddin'
Red Rooster, IG: @roosterharlem
SALT N SPRINKLES, IG: @saltnsprinkles
Simply Pure, IG: @simplypurelv
Simply Savory by Rachel, IG: @simplysavorybyrachel
Souley Vegan, IG: @souleyvegan
South LA Cafe, IG: @southlacafe
Super Chef’s, IG: @superchefsohio
Sweet Dames Artisan Bakery, IG: @sweetdames
SweetHand Catering, IG: @sweethandnai
Sylvia’s Soul Food Brand, IG: @sylviassoulfoodbrand
Stuff I Eat, IG: @stuffieat_inglewood
Sweet Art St. Louis, IG: @sweetartstlouis
Sweet Potatoes, IG: @swtpotatoes
The Crabby Shack, IG: @thecrabbyshack
The Cupcake Collection, IG: @thecupcakecollection
The Fresh 20, IG: @thefresh20
The Healer's Pantry, IG: @the_healers_pantry
The Sassy Biscuit Co, IG: @thesassybiscuitco
The Slutty Vegan Atlanta, IG: @sluttyveganatl
Trade Street Jam Co, IG: @tradestjamco
Twisted Soul Cookhouse and Pours, IG: @twistedsoulcookhouse
Two Chicks in the Mix, IG: @twochicksinthemix
Vee the Baker, IG: @veethebaker
veggiegrub, IG: @veggiegrub
YOCO CONFECTIONS, IG: @yoco_confections

We're not done! More industries and businesses are listed in part 2 here:


© 2020 Ellevest, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

All opinions and views expressed by Ellevest are current as of the date of this writing, for informational purposes only, and do not constitute or imply an endorsement of any third party’s products or services.

Information was obtained from third-party sources, which we believe to be reliable but not guaranteed for accuracy or completeness.

The information provided does not take into account the specific objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any specific person.

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Ellevest Team

Ellevest was founded in 2014 by Sallie Krawcheck with a mission to get more money in the hands of women. Named the 8th fastest-growing fee-only Registered Investment Advisor in the US with assets of $1 billion+, Ellevest’s team of all-women financial advisors and planners helps clients build and manage their wealth through intentional impact investing and financial planning.