
100+ Businesses Owned by Native American Women

By Ellevest Team

Editor’s note: Today in the United States, there are 574 federally recognized tribes and "Native American" is the most common term for the larger group, but many people prefer to use "American Indian" or "Indigenous American.” For more educational resources, please visit the National Museum of the American Indian.

Like Black women and Latina women, Native American women running businesses face extra hurdles. Businesses owned by Native American women have been growing faster than average since 2015, but their businesses generate less revenue due to systemic racism, sexism, and economic disadvantages associated with remoteness. Recent data suggests that while the majority of Native American mothers are top earners for their families, the staggering pay gap creates a very real barrier to provide for themselves and their families.

So let’s lift them up. We asked our community for their favorite businesses run by Native American women. Let’s celebrate (and shop) the incredible art, beauty, services, writing, food, and fashion they’ve created.

A collage of squares featuring images from businesses owned by Native American women


A. Thompson, IG: @athompsonart
Aiukli Designs, IG: @aiuklidesigns
Aly Mcknight, IG: @alymcknight
Big Rain Gallery, IG: @big_rain_gallery
Caffeinated Raven, IG: @caffeinatedraven
Cedar and Sage Macrame, IG: @cedarandsagemacrame
Di’Orr Greenwood, IG: @dorrgreenwood
Dora Raiz, IG: @dora-raiz
Eileen Jimenez, IG:
Kristin Gentry, IG: @kreativenative
LY Pins, IG: armysecretspins_
Olathe’s Art, IG: @olathesart
Salty Black Sheep Creations, IG: @saltyblacksheepcreations
Steph Littlebird, IG: @artnerdforever
Wendy Red Star, IG: @wendyredstar

Authors, Poets, & Playwrights

Corinne Rice (Oestreich) (journalist/activist), IG: @misscorinne86
Joy Harjo, Twitter: @JoyHarjo
Kali Fajardo-Anstine, IG: @kalimaja
Louise Erdrich, IG: @louise_erdrich
Natalie Diaz, Twitter: @NatalieGDiaz
Rebecca Roanhorse, IG: @rebeccaroanhorse
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Twitter: @rdunbaro
Sarah Eagle Heart, IG: @ms_eagleheart
Terese Marie Mailhot, IG: @teresemariem
Toni Jensen, IG: @tonijensen3086

Beauty Brands

Ah-Shi Beauty, IG: @ahshibeauty
Bison Star Naturals, IG: @bisonstar
Canoe Journey Herbalists, IG: @canoejourneyherbalists
Cheekbone Beauty Cosmetics INC, @cheekbonebeauty
Clary Sage Herbarium, IG: @clarysageherbarium
Coral Story Beauty, IG: @coralstorybeauty
Dancing Butterfly Naturals, IG: @dancingbutterflynaturals
Dina DeVore (makeup artist), IG: @dinadevore_mua
Indigenous Cosmetics, IG: @indigenous_cosmetics
Nizhoni Soap Company, IG: @nizhonisoap
Prados Beauty, @pradosbeauty
Quwutsunmade, IG: @quwutsunmade
Sequoia Soaps, IG: @sequoiasoaps
Skwálen Botanicals, IG: @skwlawenbotanicals
Snipe Clan Botanicals, IG: @snipeclanbotanicals
Tiffany Black (beauty influencer), IG: @tifffay

Fashion Brands

Amy Rose, IG: @coyotesdencollectibles
B.Yellowtail, IG: @byellowtail
BaDundle Baby, IG: @badundlebaby
Beyond Buckskin, IG: @beyondbuckskin
byNEEKO, IG: @by_neeko
C.HolyBear, IG: @c.holybear
Cedarlilie, IG: @cedarlilie
Cheyanne Symone, IG: @cheyannesymone
Copper Canoe Woman, IG: @coppercanoewoman
Coulee Creek, IG: @couleecreek
Dancing Blue Stone, IG: @dancingbluestone
Davida Lister Jewelry, IG: @davidlisterjewelry
Emily’s Beading, IG: @emilys_beading
Etkie, IG: @etkie_official
Ginew, IG: @ginew
Gloria Valencia, IG: @gloriavalenciajeweler
Golden Eye Designs (Vashti Etzel), IG: @goldeneyedesigns
Huichola Made, IG: @huicholamade
Jamie Gentry, IG: @jamiegentrydesigns
Jamie Okuma, IG: @j.okuma
Jennifer Younger, IG: @jennifers_copper_silver
’Kamama Beadwork, IG: @kamamabeadwork
Kanaine, IG: @kanaine_shop
Kaylyn Baker Designs, IG: @nanamomma
Kendorina Redhouse, IG: @kendorina
Lauren Good Day, IG: @laurengoodday
Lesley Hampton, IG: @lesley_hampton
Melissa Lewis-Barnes, IG: @durangohatsmelissalewisbarnes
Michele Sumner, IG: @eleumne
Mikailah Thompson Gallery, IG: @beadworkbymikailah
Miss Chief Rocka, IG: @misschiefrocka
Moonture, IG: @moon.ture
Naiomi Glasses, IG: @naiomiglasses
nehiyanahk, IG: @nehiyanahk_creations
Niio Perkins Designs, IG: @niioperkinsdesigns
No End Designs (NEO), IG: @noendofdesigns
OIT Clothing, IG: @oitclothing
Ora Louise Boutique, IG: @ora_louise_boutique
Orenda Tribe, IG: @orendatribe
Powwow Styles, IG: @powwowstyles
Red Berry Woman, IG: @red_berry_woman
Sackcloth & Ashes, IG: @sackclothxashes
Shy Natives, IG: @shynatives
Tiyospaye Beadwork, IG: @tiyospaye_beadwork
Urban Native Era, IG: @urbannativeera
WhirlWind Jewels, IG: @whirlwindjewels
White Bear Moccasins, IG: @white_bear_moccasins
White Otter Design Co., IG: @whiteotterdesignco
Yuyaheova Creations, IG: @yuyaheovacreationsco

Restaurants & Food Businesses

7 Clans Brewing, IG: @7clansbrewing
Aesthete Tea, IG: @aesthetetea
Birch Basket (caterer), IG: @birchbasket
Bison Coffeehouse, IG: @bisoncoffeehouse
Bow & Arrow Brewing Co., IG: @bowandarrowbrewing
Camins 2 Dreams Winery, IG: @camins2dreams
Etiquette Catering Co., IG: @etiquettecateringco
Good Rain Farm, IG: @goodrainfarm
Itality Plant Based Wellness, IG: @itality_plantbased_wellness
Kitchen Curandera, (wellness blogger) IG: @kitchencurandera
Kristina Stanley, IG: @abaasofoods
Long Hearing Farm, IG: @longhearingfarm
Morning Light Kombucha, IG: @morninglightkombucha
Native American Brewing Co., IG: @native_brews
Snake Mountain Ranch (livestock farm), IG: @snakemountainranch
Tanka Bar, IG: @tankabar
Toasted Sister Podcast, IG: @toastedsister
Wapato Island Farm, IG: @wapatoislandfarm


Anna Soole (educator), IG: @annasoole
Birchbark Books & Native Arts, IG: @birchbark_books
Earth & Sky Floral, IG: @earthskyfloral
FlipStone (vintage furniture), IG: @flipstone_furnishings
Grownup Navajo (blog), IG: @grownupnavajo
Native Max Magazine, IG: @nativemaxmag
Native Fashion in the City (fashion agency), IG: @nativefashioninthecity
Representative Paulette E. Jordan (politician), IG: @electpaulette
Sitka Flowers AK, IG: @sitkaflowersak
Tattoo 34 PDX, IG: @tattoo34pdx
Trickster Company (media, fashion agency), IG: @trickstercompany
Well For Culture (wellness blog), IG: @wellforculture


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All opinions and views expressed by Ellevest are current as of the date of this writing, for informational purposes only, and do not constitute or imply an endorsement of any third party’s products or services.

Information was obtained from third-party sources, which we believe to be reliable but not guaranteed for accuracy or completeness.

The information provided does not take into account the specific objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any specific person.

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Ellevest was founded in 2014 by Sallie Krawcheck with a mission to get more money in the hands of women. Named the 8th fastest-growing fee-only Registered Investment Advisor in the US with assets of $1 billion+, Ellevest’s team of all-women financial advisors and planners helps clients build and manage their wealth through intentional impact investing and financial planning.