
Poll: How the Ellevest Community Feels About Financial Wellness

By Ellevest Team

We invited the Ellevest community to tell us about how you’re doing financially.* We wanted to know how you’re doing overall, and what’s changed.

We especially wanted to know about your financial wellness. We define that as getting a clear sense of where you’re at financially and where you want to go, then creating a regular practice to help get there (while being kind to yourself along the way). It’s different from financial health — it’s about the mindset, not just the milestones.

More than 2,000 of you answered the call to tell us how you’re doing. Here’s a snapshot of what we learned from your responses:

The pandemic has most people practicing financial wellness more.

Two-thirds of the Ellevest community say you’re practicing financial wellness more than you were before the pandemic.

What does that practice look like? Most often, saving money (69%) and investing it (62%). You’re also talking about it — to friends (40%) and family (39%). And shoutout to the 22% of y’all who started a spending plan and the 11% who have talked to a financial planner lately.

A quote from survey respondent Melissa about how she is terrified by money but wants to be empowered by it.

Mindfulness is at the top of your mind.

Two-thirds of the Ellevest community say you’re practicing financial wellness more than you were before the pandemic.

We asked you to tell us in your own words how your relationship with money may have changed due to the pandemic. And so many of you said “mindful,” “intentional,” “thoughtful,” or “aware.” No matter what your personal situation, the past year has definitely been a wake-up call for financial wellness.

You’re looking to grow and excel.

We asked what your number-one money and career goals are right now. Your top money goal is growing your wealth, at 25%. And the top career goal is just being excellent at your job, at 19%.

A quote from survey respondent Meca about how she's saving more and spending less, more intentionally.

But many of you have other targets. The other top money goals are paying off high-interest debt, buying a house, making sure you’re good with your retirement, and saving for an emergency fund.

And the other top career goals are finding a better job than the one you’ve got, getting a promotion, and dealing with imposter syndrome.

You’ve got some money and career stresses ...

Most of all, you feel like you have to be more cautious with your money (56%) and like you’re behind other people financially (48%).

Other top stresses were not having enough money to do what you want, not getting paid what you’re worth, and feeling stuck in your career.

A quote from survey respondent Candace saying she's more aware of money but stressed about her priorities.

How often you’re worried about money:

  • Every day: 27%

  • At least once a week: 30%

  • A few times a month: 23%

  • A few times a year: 16%

  • Pretty much never: 5%

How often you’re worried about your career:

  • Every day: 25%

  • At least once a week: 25%

  • A few times a month: 20%

  • A few times a year: 19%

  • Pretty much never: 10%

  • I don’t have one: 1%

… but you’re talking about it.

62% of people who answered the survey said the way you talk about money has changed. Many of you mentioned that you’re more frank and open with family — because you want to be very clear on how everyone’s prepared for emergencies. Others mentioned asking for help with child care and other urgent money needs. And a lot of people have been talking more to friends about investing, budgeting, and getting paid what you’re worth.

Talking about money is a very good thing — this is one positive effect we can take from the last year.

And money isn’t just money. It’s so much more.

We asked you to write in what money means to you. Your top answers:

  1. Freedom / independence

  2. Security

  3. Power

  4. Stress

  5. Choice / options

  6. Opportunity

A quote from survey respondent Alyssa about being more thoughtful about where she spends her money.

We’ll be sharing more stories of how you were affected by the She-cession and how you’re practicing financial wellness in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!


The Ellevest 2021 Financial Wellness Community Poll (the “Survey”) was sent to all subscribers to Ellevest’s What the Elle newsletter on January 26, January 28, and February 2, 2021, and shared on Instagram on January 28 and Facebook on January 29, 2021. 2,411 people responded to the online survey. The majority of respondents were aged 25-34, with 26% aged 35-44, 7% aged 18-24, and 12% aged 45 or older. Not all questions were answered by survey participants.

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All opinions and views expressed by Ellevest are current as of the date of this writing, are for informational purposes only, and do not constitute or imply an endorsement of any third party’s products or services.

Information was obtained from third-party sources, which we believe to be reliable but are not guaranteed for accuracy or completeness.

The information provided should not be relied upon as investment advice or recommendations, does not constitute a solicitation to buy or sell securities, and should not be considered specific legal, investment, or tax advice.

The information provided does not take into account the specific objectives, financial situation, or particular needs of any specific person. Investing entails risk, including the possible loss of principal, and past performance is not predictive of future results.

Ellevest, Inc. is an SEC-registered investment adviser. Ellevest fees and additional information can be found at

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